Friday, August 25, 2006

judge halts snooping by the NSA

It seems after this ruling, mining data to get useful intelligence information from large blocks of data is restricted more for the US government, than for US businesses.

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There is data mining on random mixes of suspected and unsuspected streams of data. This is to make initial selections of possible suspected information. This is the technique the NSA used. To me, it is not very different from the operation of search engines, or what they can do.

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Recently, there was an incident with AOL. It brought a set of "anonymous" search queries of their customers out in the open. Many reports showed, using this information, it is easy to trace anonymous data to individuals and their behavior and interests.

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There is little doubt a quick look through of the search history stored at large search engines like Google, Yahoo, and MSN offer a wealth on information. Don't think of using a "grep" on the contents of public mail systems like HOTMAIL or gmail.

Sunday, August 20, 2006

childhood lessons

There is a saying, "the more you know, the more you realize you dont know anything at all." That's what it's like when dealing with life lessons. EVERYTHING, and I really mean most things, you are taught is some half-lie. Pick a topic of discusstion, like taxes, discoveries in medicine, exploration, society benchmarks, sports, famous sayings, etc. Most things you learn are wrong.

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I read a book titled "lies my teacher taught me" which covers history. Beside the points it makes, the biggest thing lesson for me is, you have to unlearn so much. It is to the point where I expect the opposite of commonly-held themes.

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Friday, August 11, 2006

cables vs. wireless

You see, the neat thing about the world is we don't have to completely get rid of something simply because a newer way of doing it arrives.

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I love wireless networking, but it doesn't mean no cables if running them through the walls if building myself a house. Mostly, wireless is used with my cordless phone at home. However, having one phone always attached to the wall means always finding it easily when needed. It's hard to remember the battery on that phone ever dying on me.

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We can have the wireless revolution without getting rid of all the wires. My printer can keep its wires. It doesn't move very often. My iSight camera wire doesn't bother me. My USB hub would probably be far less useful without all the wires, so let's not worry about that. It's hard to remember the last time my keyboard's cable was a problem. My keyboard simply sits there, on the keyboard drawer.

Instead of making parts of a non-mobile computer mobile, it's more interesting making already mobile computers better. We need better PDA's, or a tablet computer which is usable and affordable. The cord on my mouse is not too big a problem.